Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


1 PhD student in Criminal Law and Criminology, Shahid Beheshti University

2 Full professor and Head of Criminal Law and Criminology Department, Shahid Beheshti University


According to reports from international institutions and organizations, including Human Rights Watch, High Commissioner for Human Rights and Amnesty International, Myanmar Muslims, and in particular the ethnic and religious minority of Rohingya Muslims, have been pursuing discriminatory policies and the criminal acts of the Myanmar government and its Buddhist residents since decades. Meanwhile, the recent human tragedy and the terrible crimes committed against the Rohingya Muslims, which have been accompanied by the government of Myanmar and the military regime of the country, have more and more been faced with the response of the international community. Given the correspondence of these crimes with actus reus and mens rea of the crime of genocide and crimes against humanity, prosecution of those perpetrators at both national and international levels is debatable. At the national level, the Myanmar Courts, based on two principles of territorial jurisdiction and nationality jurisdiction and third countries courts based on the universality principle (Subject to the identification of such a principle in their internal laws) may interfere. More importantly, the mechanisms available at the international level include the referral of the status to the International Criminal Court or the formation of the Particular International Criminal Court by the United Nations Security Council. In addition, there is also an intermediary mechanism, which is a hybrid or internationalized court that can be formed on the basis of an agreement between the Government of Myanmar and the Security Council. In this paper, the pros and cons of each of these courts is reviewed in order to handling of recent crimes committed in Myanmar.


Main Subjects

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