Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article



The legislature of our country has enacted quantum meruit for tangible assets and labour profits whereas nothing has been mentioned concerning intellectual property. However remedy has been accepted.
Taking into account the following hesitation as concrete existence of lease contract issue being an asset, unavailability of the same thing including patent due to the condition of being an innovation, we encounter the doubt whether the quantum merit could be applicable. Because 1- If an invention doesn’t enjoy the quality of innovation or is found to be the same as previous invention cannot be registered. 2- In civil law the contract of lease is defined in a way that it is exclusive to tangible assets while intellectual property is not only tangible but also there is doubt if  they can be considered as assets. 
The contract of license and the royalty for granting a license in the US law solved the above mentioned problems; the reasonable royalty in U.S law is similar to quantum merit. The laws of our country, nevertheless there are a few small differences. As long as there aren’t any certain rules predicted in our country, quantum meruit can be used for patents damage.


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