Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article



The notion of jurisdiction depends to the nature of judicial acts; because two powers called Executive and Judicial in each government are administrator body in regard of Legislative power. In Iranian legal system, in the other word, the situation of Adjudication institutes is less discussed and their classifications have not been studied exactly as should be. In this legal system we can see day by day the increase of institutions’ numbers such as Commissions, Councils and Boards between Adjudication institutes but it is not clearly shown that if Legislator seeks to create a Court or Tribunal by they or its intention merely is creation of some institutions for administration of law in strict sense. Many Substantive and Formal criteria have been suggested for distinguishing judicial acts which foundation of legal system to each one can disorder its supposed order. In this research, after studding and evaluating these criteria, we have endeavored to introduce Adjudication institutes orderly. The result of this article can be summarized in these phrases:  “a jurisdiction is a third or an impartial institution that decides about a juridical conflict decisively and certainly by applying substantive and formal rules”.


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