Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article



In countries like Iran, religion and religious jurisprudence constitute a main source for legislation as well as there are laws and regulations meant to provide legal protection for religious beliefs and sanctities. The same situation can be traced during the era of Church authority in some other countries including the UK. However many countries such support do not provide such criminalization arguing such legislation being inconsistent with freedom of expression and human rights by contrast, according to the Iranian Islamic Penal Code , the criminalization of blasphemy including any insulation to the Prophet (and also Holy Imams) and other religious sanctities of Islam is also expanded to other holy Prophets while the English legal system there are some sporadic criminal protect merely for the Christian sanctities. But it is ambiguous what is meant by the term “religious sanctities” and whether any kind of profanity is subject to such criminal sanctions, and also what is the sentence for such crimes. These questions are the points which are getting analyzed in the present paper – focusing on the both Iranian and English regulations and judicial procedures through survey in religious sources and Islamic opinions.


فهرست منابع
الف:  فارسی
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